Tuesday 31 January 2017

Pakistan Resolution 1940


The session of All India Muslim League was held on 23 March 1940 in Iqbal Park Lahore. Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the president of this session and the number of Muslims were comes on this session from the whole subcontinent. In this session, a leader of Bengal Molvi Fazal ul Haq put forward a resolution named was "Lahore Resolution" and all the leaders and people accepted it by an open heart. Mulsim has decided their goal. For remembering this day, a Minar was built in that park name is "Minar e Pakistan".

Background of this Resolution:

The Leader of the Muslim was in thought after the dispersal of 1857 war that how to gets a separate homeland for the Muslim. Muslim was separate from Hindus but they want to get their own area where they live according to Islam. Many of the Muslim leaders gave the signal of Pakistan in his speeches. Syed Jamal deen Afghani, Moulana Abdul Haleem Sharer, Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar and Khairi brothers were the very dominant leader. 
  1. Allama Iqbal gave the idea of Pakistan in his speech in All India Muslim League conference 1930 as president of this conference.
  2. Chaudry Rehmat Ali gave the title of the new homeland"Pakistan" in 1933.
  3. Sindh Muslim League passed the Resolution for the division of subcontinent.

Quaid-e-Azam speech: 

Quaid e Azam has decided for the separate homeland in his speech on 1940 conference. The points of this conference were:
  1. Muslim is a separate nation and it has their own culture and religion.
  2. The subcontinent is not one country and division of subcontinent is the solution of the  Hindu-Muslim war.
  3. It was fear that Muslim are not saved in the subcontinent.

Basic Points of this Resolution:

The Basic points of this Resolution were:
  1. Except for the division of the subcontinent, another scheme is not accepted.
  2. If the division of subcontinent is done, then Muslim will get equal rights in the Hindu areas.

Reaction to this Resolution:

  1. After accepted this resolution, Hindus have been against the Quaid e Azam. They became laugh on Quaid e Azam. Gandhi and Hindus were against this resolution.
  2. Moulana Shabir Ahmad Usmani, Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi, and Moulana Zafar Ahmad Ansari were all those scholars who support this resolution. 
  3. British press does not give any interest to this resolution.


Monday 30 January 2017

Culture of Pakistan

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Every nation has its culture. Culture is produced when the peoples of a nation live on a place for a long time. Every nation has the different culture with another nation. Culture is change by passing time. Every area has an influence on the culture of another area.
The meaning of culture is grown up. A person is the major element of culture. When many persons live together they produced the culture.


                                Indus civilization

The area around the Sindh river is called Indus valley. Indus valley is the oldest culture of the world and it is about 5000 years older. It is proud for the peoples of the Pakistan because culture starts from Pakistan. 
In 1922, a researcher found the culture in Larkana. It is the estimated that this is 5000 older city and before 2500 years it was destroyed. Another a researcher also found the culture in Sahiwal. These two cities are away about 650KM from each other. 

             Characteristics of Indus civilization


The culture of the Indus was the city. The researcher found many numbers of market, streets, and colonies in the city. There was the better sanitary system in homes. There were the toilets and kitchens in the home. There was also basement under the buildings so that they save from the winter and summer. There were also windows in every room in every home. It is sure that the civilization of Indus was very successful.

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2-Dress and Jewelry:

The researcher also found the sign of making cloth.The peoples were known about the clothes making. Many of the sketches were also found on which clothes are wear. Women were also known about the uses of designing dress and jewelry.
It was very common in women to use jewelry. Many of type jewelry were also found which show that the interest of the women. Teeth of an elephant used in making the jewelry.

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Researchers were also found many toys which were made by soil. The types of the toys were the sketch of the animals and sketch of men. They were also found dolls which were made by hand. 

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It was very easy to take the decision that the peoples of the Indus valley were done business in trading their thing with other areas. They known about the uses of teen and gold.

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Fish, cows, elephant, rabbits and other many animals were also found in this valley. Sketches of these animals were also found on the coin, walls, and stumps. 

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The people of the Indus valley were used fish and rises. The researcher also found many signs of crops which are showing that they were known about the fields. 
This image is obtained from Google.

Language of Pakistan


History of any country is very important because every country established after a great history. Mostly the people have largely neglected the power of history. History helps us to get knowledge about our national heroes who sacrifice their lives and homes for the establishment of their country.
Pakistan comes into being on 14 August 1947 after hard work of all the peoples who wants to get separate homeland where they will be free.

                           Punjabi Language


Punjabi is the very oldest language. It is the language of province Punjab. It relates to the oldest peoples of Punjab province. According to the history, it has three types and every type has the different name are Majhi, Potohari, Chachi and Shah puri. Majhi is the good type of Punjabi language and it is spoken in and around the city Lahore. In the very beginning. it was the Language of both Hindus and Muslims mystic.
The Punjabi Language started after the interference of Mehmood Ghazni. Hazrat Baba Fareed Ganj Shakar was also a very famous mystic in Punjabi. His poetry in Punjabi gives the message of brotherhood and love.  
Hazrat Shah Hussain (Madho Lal Hussain), Sultan Bahu, Bulleh Shah and Khawaja Freed were the famous poet of Punjabi. They also write the poem on social action. 
History and region poems in Punjabi has also definitely exalted. Heer Ranjha, the story of Hasham Shah, Sohni Mahiwal, story of Hafiz and story of Mirza Sahiba were very famous in Punjabi and in these stories, there is high-level poetry. 
Novels were also write in the Punjabi language like Da beer Singh, Meera sing, Sayyeda Bakhsh etc. 
 After the twentieth century, the Punjabi language was also used in dramas and radio. In Punjab University, there was also has the department of Punjabi where students did M.A and Ph.D.

                             Sindhi Language


Sidhi is the old language of Pakistan. It relates to the "Arya family". It is spoken in and around the Sindh river and 1 Million peoples speak it. The Sindhi language is the mixture of Turki, Greece, Iran language. It is also the mixture of Arabic and Persian. The English language also included in it. Sindhi is written like to the Arabic. 
The first time the translation of Quran was in Sindhi. The famous poets of Sindhi were Shah Abdul Lateef Bhtai, Sachal Sarmast etc. the poetry of Shah Abdul Lateef Bhtai consist of manpower. Abu al Haasan was also a very famous in Sindhi. He works very hard for Sindhi. He was a great scholar and he wrote 150 books on Islamic topics.      

Difficulties After Establishment of Pakistan

History of any country is very important because every country established after a great history. Mostly the people have largely neglected the power of history. History helps us to get knowledge about our national heroes who sacrifice of any things for the establishment of their country.
Pakistan comes into being on 14 August 1947 after hard work of all the peoples who wants to get separate homeland where they will be free. It is very difficult to stand the new country and handled its difficulties. Quaid E Azam handled all these difficulties.


The Injustice of Red-Cliff award:

It was decided according to 3 June 1947 act that Punjab and Bengal are dividing according to the number of Muslims and non-Muslim. Where the number of Muslim are greater then a number of non-Muslim, is the under the government of Pakistan. For this division, Red-Cliff award was selected. Sir Red Cliff is under the pressure of Hindus and he gave all the Muslim areas to the Hindus. The sectary of Red Cliff also accepted this injustice.

Arrangement Difficulties:

It was very difficult task to handled the arrangement difficulties because all the officer went to the India. Offices were empty. Many offices started their work under the open sky. While going to the India, they disturb all the arrangement of offices.

Division of   Rupees:

After the division of subcontinent, it was very important to the division of rupee with the justice. India wants to take the share of Muslim. India wants to destroy the Pakistan, therefore they stop the Pakistan share.There was the total amount 4 billion rupee from which Pakistan has share 750 million rupees. India gave only one installment of 200 million rupees. After the struggle of the Muslim leader, India gave 500 million rupees and stoped the remaining amount.

Division of Army:

After the division of subcontinent, it was also a problem to divide the army according to the number of Muslim and Hindus with justice but they do not work with justice. India wants to make weak Pakistan so that they attack Pakistan latter. Before the division, the army chief of subcontinent do not want to divide the army but Muslim League rejected him. All the factories of making guns were goes to the India and they give only 60 million rupees Pakistan. After that, every soldier has right to go India or Pakistan with his own thought. It was clear that Muslim are going to Pakistan.

Sunday 29 January 2017

1945-46 Election

History of any country is very important because every country established after a great history.Mostly the people have largely neglected the power of history. History helps us to get knowledge about our national heroes who sacrifice of any things for the establishment of their country.
Pakistan comes into being on 14 August 1947. People who gave sacrifices for their dear homeland are Allama Iqbal, Quaid-e-Azam, Liaquat Ali Khan, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan etc.


                                    1945-46 Election:

It is very important to held election in the subcontinent. After the second world war and failure of Shimla conference, it is very easy to take a decision that which one political party is famous in public. Hindu press said that Quaid E Azam is only responsible for Shimla conference. For checking that Quaid E Azam was correct or incorrect, it was the only occasion that what is the opinion of the public. The government of British was also under pressurized from America that they search the solution of problems. It was decided from the government that in December 1945 and January 1946, the election will be held. It is decided that all the parties participate in Election.

Congress Opinion:  

It was the thoughts of congress that division of subcontinent will be according to their thoughts. Any scheme of the division will not be acceptable. 

Muslim League Opinion: 

Muslim League enters in the election by saying that it is the only movement for Muslims of the subcontinent. Muslims have not contact with another movement in the subcontinent. Muslim League wanted that division of subcontinent will be according to the number of Muslim. 

Election Campaign:

All the parties campaign in the election. Congress is against to the Muslim. On the other side, it was the issue of the Muslim rights so that all the leaders visit the whole subcontinent. Quaid-e-Azam also visits the subcontinent in his illness inform the Muslim about the need of time. Quaid -e-Azam challenged openly to the Congress that it is the only successful party in the election. Muslim students were also with Quaid -e-Azam. They worked very hard for their separate homeland.  

The result of Election:

There was thirty member of Muslim League in the election. All the member won this election with high leads. Now, any power cannot stop of making a new homeland for the Muslim. 

The Constitution of 1956

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History of any country is very important because every country established after a great history. Mostly the people have largely neglected the power of history. History helps us to get knowledge about our national heroes who sacrifice of any things for the establishment of their country.
Pakistan comes into being on 14 August 1947. People who gave sacrifices for their dear homeland are Allama Iqbal, Quaid-e-Azam, Liaquat Ali khan, Sir Syed Ahmad khan etc.
In 1949, constitutional Assembly defines the directives principles of the new states and this constitution was approved in 1956. Chaudry Muhammad Ali was the prime minister of Pakistan when this constitution was approved. After approval from the Governer General, this constitutional declared in a country on 23 March 1956.

            Characteristics of 1956 constitutional: 

Name of country:

According to this constitutional, name of the country will be selected Islami Jamhoria Pakistan.

Allah is owner:

According to this constitutional, Allah is an owner of the world.

Muslim president:

According to this constitutional, the president of Pakistan will be Muslim.

Islamic laws:

According to this constitutional, all the law in Pakistan will be according to the Islam.

Connect with Muslim countries:

According to this constitutional, All the Muslim world will be one country.

Biography of Allama Muhammad Iqbal

This image is obtained from Google
Firstly I discussed the history. History of any country is very important because every country established after a great history. Mostly the people have largely neglected the power of history. History helps us to get knowledge about our National Heroes who sacrifice their lives and homes for the establishment of their country.
Pakistan comes into being on 14 August 1947. Peoples who give sacrifices for their dear homeland were Allama Iqbal, Quaid-e-Azam, Liaquat Ali khan, Sir Syed Ahmad khan etc.
Now I am going to share some knowledge about biography about Allama Iqbal who was the poet of East.

                                             Allama Iqbal

Early Education:

Sir Allama Muhammad Iqbal was born on November 9, 1877, at Sialkot. His father name was Sheikh Noor Muhammad. Allama Iqbal was a great poet of the Muslim world. He received his early education in Sialkot. After passing the matriculation, he sent to Lahore and did his graduation with English literature, Philosophy, and Arabic as his subject. Iqbal was also sent to Europe in 1905 and study here for three years. He did his Philosophy and taught Arabic at the Cambridge university. During his stay in Europe, he was not only read subject but also wrote the lectured on Islamic subjects.
During his years of studying law and philosophy in England, Iqbal became the member of London branch of the All India Muslim League.

Political Era:

Iqbal was a great leader of Muslim in the Subcontinent for the rights of Muslims. When he was entered in Politics, Muslim League was only a movement for Muslim rights. Iqbal joined the Muslim League and started his politics against Hindus. In a regular conference of Muslims in 1930 at Lahore, Iqbal addressed the Muslims by saying that Muslim and Hindus are tow different nation.
Iqbal's Poetry:

Iqbal aroused the Muslim with his great poetry. He wrote many poems for freedom. Iqbal Persian works Asrar-e-Khudi, Rumz-e-Bekhudi, Payam-e-Mashriq, Javed. The Government of Subcontinent gave the title of "Sir" to the Iqbal.

Iqbal's Death:

Iqbal died on April 21, 1938. Iqbal was buried in Badshahi Mosque Lahore.

Saturday 28 January 2017

Biography of Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

This image is obtained from Google.
Firstly I discussed the history. History of any country is very important because every country established after a great history. Mostly the people have largely neglected the power of history. History helps us to get knowledge about our national heroes who sacrifice of any things for the establishment of their country.
Pakistan came into being on 14 August 1947. Peoples who give sacrifices for their dear homeland are Allama Iqbal, Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Liaquat Ali khan, Sir Syed Ahmad khan etc.


                                  Quaid e Azam

Early Education:

Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah who was the first and last leader of the Muslims of the subcontinent. He was born on December 25, 1876, in Karachi. His father name was Pooja Jinnah who was the merchant of leather in Karachi.He received his early education from Karachi Mission High School and after 2 years he was admitted in Sindh Madrasa where he passed his matriculation at the age of sixteen. Afterward, he went to England for higher education and he took his Barrister degree from Lincoln's Inn.
After completing his education from England, he came back to the subcontinent and started his law practice in India.

Political Services:

When Quaid E Azam enters in politics then only Congress was a big movement in Subcontinent. Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined the congress and started the campaign for the Muslims of Subcontinent. After some time, he realized that Congress is the movement only for Hindus then he left the congress and joined the All India Muslim League which was the first movement for Muslims in 1906.
 He was a great champion of freedom for the peoples of subcontinents. Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah faced many problems when he joined Muslim League.

Establishment of Pakistan:

Pakistan came into being on 14 August 1947 and Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the founder of Pakistan. He worked very hard after the establishment of Pakistan. He faced many problems after the creation of Pakistan and he handled it.
He was died on 11 September 1948 and he is buried in Karachi

Aligarh Movement

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History of any country is very important because every country established after a great history. Mostly the people have largely neglected the power of history. History helps us to get knowledge about our national heroes who give the sacrifice of their lives and homes for the establishment of their country.
Pakistan comes into being on 14 August 1947. Peoples who give sacrifices for their dear homeland are Allama Iqbal, Quaid-e-Azam, Liaquat Ali khan, Sir Syed Ahmad khan etc.
Now I am going to share some knowledge about Tehreek e Aligarh which was the first Movement for Muslims after 1857 war.


                          Aligarh Movement   

 Educational Services:

After the 1857 war, Muslims was disappointed and Hindus were also against the Muslims. During this situation, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was the best for Muslims. Major issues for starting this movement are:

  1. Muslims were killed in large numbers.
  2. Education was killed for Muslims.
  3. Muslims were expelled from government offices.

For this reason, Muslims select  Sir Syed Ahmad khan as their leader.
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan thought that Muslims are not getting freedom without education. He gives advice to the Muslims to get the education. He also makes the platforms for education.

  1. In 1859, he made a school for Muslims in Muradabad and in 1862, he made a school in Ghazi-Pur.
  2. He made a school in 1875, M-A-O high school in Aligarh and it made university after his death.
  3. In 1886, he made an organization for the Muslims rights.

 Political Services:

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan gave advice to the Muslims to get the only education because he knows that Muslims did not get their rights without education. Muslims in India were in minority and the Hindus were in majority and Muslims did not compete with Hindus. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan said that the Muslims were quite a different nation than the Hindus society, economically, politically and religiously. Sir Syed was the disappointed from the Hindus language movement in 1867 and he started their struggle for a separate homeland for Muslims.