Tuesday 21 February 2017

Economic Development in Ayub Khan Era

The development of the economy from in reverse to propel economy is known as Economic Development. It is a procedure through which such changes are incorporated into an economy by embracing and using the present day, propelled, capital and HR as increment the wage of the nation. The expectation for everyday comforts of the general population rises. The masses appreciate better chances of training, wellbeing, work, and entertainment.

Muhammad Shoaib, a financial expert of the World Bank, was delegated Finance Minister in the Martial Law Government of Ayub Khan. He controlled imports and fares successfully. He empowered fares in the national exchange that brought on much investment funds in the remote trade. Licenses were issued for the modern improvement and new ventures were set up. This progression acquired thriving the nation. Amid this administration, The Second Five Year Plan (1960-1965) and the Third Five Year Plan (1965-1970) were readied.

The Second Five Year Plan (1960-1965):

With the end of the First Plan time frame (1955-1960), the Second Five Year Plan was readied. Taking after were the primary destinations and focuses of the arrangement.

  • To achieve an expansion in national wage by 24 for every penny. 
  • To accomplish an expansion of around 10 percent in per capita salary. 
  • To give the chances to work with 2.5 million people groups. 
  • To get an expansion of 14 for each penny in farming yield. 
  • To increment mechanical creation up to 14 percent in expansive scale and in addition medium scale enterprises. 
  • To expand the modern creation of Cottage and little scale ventures up to 25 for every penny. 
  • To expand trades at the rate of 3 percent yearly increment. 

It was assessed that Rs.23 billion were expected to accomplish the destinations and focuses of the Second Five Year Plan. It was assessed that Rs.12.4 billion would be spent on the general population division, Rs.3.8 billion on the semi-open part, and Rs.6.8 billion on the private segment. Under this arrangement, the pace of monetary development of the nation remained very tasteful. In a few areas, the higher development rate was seen when contrasted with the assessed rate. The focuses given underneath pulls in our consideration when we dissected this arrangement.

  • National Gross Income surpassed past 30%. 
  • Fares were expanded at the rate of 7% for every annum. 
  • In the modern part, over 40% development was recorded. 
  • In the horticulture part, over 15% development was recorded. 

The Second Five Year Plan possesses a unique significance in the monetary arranging of the nation in light of the fact that while setting up this arrangement, the downsides of the First Five Years Plan were considered. So the disadvantages were redressed and extraordinary care was taken in the assessment of national assets. The accomplishment of this Plan demonstrated a wellspring of consolation. It helped a great deal later on arranging.

            The Third Five Year Plan (1965-1970)

The primary goals and focuses of The Third Five Year Plan (1965-1970) were as under:
To improve the pace of national advancement and to build the total national output (GDP) as much as 37%.

  • To increment per capita salary at the rate of 20%. 
  • To give work to 5.5 million people groups. 
  • To quicken the pace of farming development and to build it at the rate of 5% every year. 
  • To expand the modern development at the rate of 13% every year. 
  • To want to the foundation of fundamental ventures. 
  • To acquire security the adjust of installment by expanding the outside trade. 
  • To attempt endeavors to enhance the fundamental offices and to give government-managed savings. 

An aggregate sum of Rs.52 billion was saved to accomplish these objectives. Rs.3 billion were distributed for general society segment while Rs.22 billion were held for the private part.
The above-expressed targets and particulars demonstrate that the Third Five Year Plan 1965-1970) had bunches of benefits when we examine its development, its rundown is as under:

  • An expansion of 9.5% was normal in fares yet just 7% expansion could be conceivable. 
  • The pace of development in farming remained lower than the normal pace the objective settled was 4.5%. 
  • In the mechanical division, the objective settled was 13% however just 9% expansion could be made conceivable. 

The Third Five Year Plan (1965-1970) couldn't succeed completely. In a large portion of the variables, it couldn't achieve its pre-settled targets. Truth be told, The Third Five Year Plan (1965-1970) was encompassed wrapped by ominous conditions from the earliest starting point. A serious dry spell was experienced amid the initial two years. It influenced edits severely. Guard consumptions expanded as a result of Indo-Pak War 1965. It brought on the decrease in the proposed assets for improvement use. A reduction of 27% was likewise noted in the outside guide. Agrarian yield diminished as well. The condition of interior issues was overruled by rebellion and turmoil. It had the negative impact on modern creation. To put it plainly, this arrangement couldn't positive conditions required for this program of monetary development.

Yahya Khan Regime 1969-196


President General Muhammad Ayub khan managed just about ten years. Many changes were executed amid his Government.The nation gained much ground in the field of industry. As indicated by the constitution, all the power rested with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The general population's propelled a forceful development against the govern of General Muhammad Ayub Khan and the circumstance appeared to come up short on his control. Keeping in view the circumstance. Military Law was a fresh forced in the nation.

Legal Framework Order (LFO) 1970:

General Muhammad Yahya Khan, the leader of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan declared a Legal Framework Order to hold General Election in 1970. The striking components of this LFO are as under:
  1. The National Assembly would be chosen for the residency of five years. It would be made out of 300 seats. 
  2. The base age for the race to Assembly and voters would be 25 years for men and 21 years for the ladies individually. A man would have the privilege to challenge the decision at the same time on more than one seat. 
  3. fifth October 1970 and 22nd October 1970 were settled for the decision of National Assembly and Provincial Assembly separately. 
  4. The elected arrangement of Government would be presented in the nation and the subjects would appreciate every single basic right. 
  5. As indicated by the constitution, the forces would be dispersed and common independence would be completely secured. 
  6. The autonomy and opportunity of legal would be completely respected. The legal would defend the crucial privileges of the people groups. The choices of the court would tie on Center and also regions. 
  7. Islamic Ideology would be drilled and just a Muslim could turn into the Head of the State (president). 

The national gathering would choose every one of the issues with straightforward greater part vote and majority would comprise of 100 individuals. The individual from the Assembly would appreciate finish opportunity of expression. No legitimate move would be made against individuals from the congregations on anything communicated in the gatherings.

Pakistan would be a law based nation and the total name of the nation would be the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. National security would be ensured and no such thing will be permitted as could make harm the national security.
The accompanying focuses were chosen for the future procedure.

  • Advancement of Islamic methods for the living. 
  • To hone the ethical lessons of Islam. 
  • To find a way to advance Islamic standards in the nation. 

To make courses of action to give the instruction of Quran and Islamiyat to the Muslims.Election 1970:
Awami League, the party of Sheikh Mujeebur Rehman, won 167 out of 169 seats (including 7 seats for women) from the East Pakistan in the General Elections of 1970. Noor-ul-Amin and Tridev Roy were the only two non-Awami League candidates who won the election. From the West Pakistan, Pakistan Peoples Party of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto got the clear majority by winning 88 out of 144 seats (including 5 seats for women). The remaining seats were won by the other political parties. Conflict of power created a new situation in the country.

Basic Democracies System 1959


In 1959, the then president presented another arrangement of Basic Democracies. As per this framework, the people groups were to choose the individuals from Basic Democracies. The aggregate individual from Basic Democracies comprise of eighty thousand under the 1962 Constitution, these individuals framed a constituent school to choose the President, the National Assembly, and the Provincial Assembly.

The Basic Democracies set up five levels of organizations. They were as under:

  1. Union Council and Union Committee 
  2. Region Council 
  3. Divisional Council 
  4. Common Advisory Council (PAC)

 1.Union Council and Union Committee:

The most minimal level of Basic Democracies was made out of union committees. It was celled Union Council for rustic regions and Union Committee for urban territories. 1000 to 1500 voters chose one part straightforwardly. He or she was called B.D Member. They were in charge of sanitation, game plans of road lights and travelers houses (Musafirkhana), keeping passing and birth records.
Other than Union Council and Union Committee, Qasba Committee and town Committee were set up in towns having a populace 10000 to 20000 and 10000 to 30000 separately. City Committee was built up in urban communities having a populace of 30000 to 50000 while Municipal Corporations were set up in the urban communities having a populace more than 50000. Cantonment Boards were set up in cantonment ranges for advancement ven

2.Tehsil (sub-district) Council and Thana Council:

The second level was known as Tehsil Council in the West Pakistan and the Thana Council in the East Pakistan. Its Chairman was called Divisional officers. Tehsil Councils involved authorities assigned individuals and chose publically delegates. Their obligations included planning of instructive and monetary activities in their separate territories.

3.District Council:

On the region level, District Council was set up. It was the led by the Deputy Commissioner. 50 percent of the individuals from District Council comprised of named authority and non-official part while 50 percent individuals were chosen delegates. The District Council have doled out the obligations, for example, the development of streets, the foundation of schools, clean courses of action, the foundation of healing centers, measures to avert to maladies, water supply plan, and advancement of corporative social orders and so forth.

4.Divisional Advisory Council:

This board was set up on divisional level. It was going by the Deputy Commissioner. All the Union Council, Union Committees and Towns Committees of the District were given portrayal in it. This Council was additionally made out of both official and designated individuals. The obligations doled out to this board included checking of various offices in the divisions and planning of recommendations for different welfare exercises.

5.Provincial Advisory Council:

Common Advisory Council (PAC) was made out of portrayal of the considerable number of divisions. It was straightforwardly under Governor. This board played out the elements of checking every one of the establishments of Basic Democracies in the regions and planning their exercises. The Governor was capable of sending the report of his execution specifically to the President.

Monday 13 February 2017

Indo-Pak War 1965

India submitted an open animosity against Pakistan to emerge its expansionist expectations and assaulted in Pakistan on the night of sixth September 1965. Despite the fact that Pakistan had far less military and monetary assets when contrasted with those of India, yet the Armed strengths of Pakistan, loaded with the soul of Jihad, constrained adversary much time greater than it to confront an embarrassing thrashing. A concise record of the reasons for the September 1965 war is given underneath before we portray the occasion of this war went on for seventeenth days.

  1. Pakistan was built up against the desires of Hindus, so they never acknowledged Pakistan from the base of their souls. Superb advance and security of Pakistan constituted a noteworthy sympathy toward them. In this way, they began propelling forceful activities against Pakistan. 

  2. The Kashmir struggle is the genuine reason for War 1965. India possessed Kashmir against the will of the Kashmiri people groups. Kashmiri people groups are in the support of increase to Pakistan, however, India has dependably abstained from holding the guaranteed plebiscite in Kashmir as per the determination go by the Security Council. As a discipline of supporting Kashmir people groups ethically and raising Kashmir issue everywhere throughout the world, India forced war on Pakistan in 1965. Pakistan stretched out good backings to the people groups of Kashmir and raised the Kashmir issue everywhere throughout the dislike which India did. 
  3. India, inebriated with power, began the war against China in 1962 and was crushed gravely. A short time later, to expel this disgrace, India attempted to possess the questioned region of Rann of Kutch yet needed to confront an aggregate thrashing. Consequently, to reestablish its lost respect, India began the war against Pakistan. 
  4. The general race was held to be in India. Congress needed to win these races. It chose to overcome Pakistan to get votes from the voters.

Events of the War:

When war broke out, the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan declared a state of emergency on radio. Addressing the nation, he said:
"The people of Pakistan shall not feel comfortable until the mouths of the Indians cannons are made quit permanently. India rulers don't know which brave nation they have challenged. Our chivalrous soldiers are advancing to defeat the enemy. The Armed forces of Pakistan shall counterblast army."
He encouraged the nation.
Events of the war are narrated briefly in the following lines:


India propelled three-sided assault (from Wagha, Burki, and Kasur) on Lahore with the sunrise on sixth September 1965. The challenging fighters of Pakistan repulsed the Indian progression as well as didn't give the for a chance to cross B.R.B Canal. On this extremely front, Major Aziz Bhatti kept opposing Indian headway for a few days. Finally, he was honored with affliction. The Government of Pakistan granted him with Nishan-e-Haider for his courage.


India attempted to involve the Lahore from the Kasur side, however, this assault was strongly countered by the Pakistani Tigers. The following day, overcome officers of Pakistan propelled the counterattack, and involve Khem Karan, an Indian region. A while later, Indian opened another front of Head Sulemanki. Here, it needed to meet with mortifying annihilation.


Subsequent to having been crushed at Lahore and Kasur parts, Indian assaulted Chavinda, a region of Sialkot with the assistance of tanks and Armored Division. It was the greatest ground assault after the World War Second. India expected to grab the key Grand Truk Road close Sialkot and to disengage the Lahore from different urban communities however the overcome Pakistani officers, confronting a foe much time greater than their quality, performed such gallant deeds as surprised and paralyzed the barrier specialists of the world. Chavinda division transformed into the memorial park off Indian tanks.


Subsequent to confronting the thrashing in each part, India anxiously augmented the extent of the war up to Rajasthan and progressed to possess the Hyderabad, however, Pakistan Army with the cooperation of Hur Mujahideen scared the foe and involved a significant number of the Indian posts in a steady progression.


With the efforts of The United Nation, a ceasefire took place on the dawn of September 23rd, 1965. 

Effects of War:

  1. Pakistan got global acclaim and it hoisted its nobility. 
  2. Kashmir issue was at the end of the day highlighted. 
  3. The way China remained by Pakistan in this basic time helped Pakistan separating amongst companions and enemy. 
  4. The brethren Islamic Countries bolstered Pakistan in this war makes Pakistanis glad.

Accession of States and Tribal Areas of Pakistan

Countless states were arranged amongst Pakistan and India. A large portion of the states took their choices. Be that as it may, no choices could be made about the destiny of Jammu and Kashmir, Junagarh, Manavadr states. The leaders of Junagarh and Manavadr declared their promotion to Pakistan yet India possessed them through military activity. Nizam, the leader of the state Hyderabad Deccan chose not to join both of the two nations. He expected to give his express an autonomous status yet Indian armed force assaulted Hyderabad Deccan and compellingly consolidated Hyderabad Deccan into India. 

Most of the people groups in Hyderabad Deccan, Junagarh and Manavadar was non-Muslims however a lion's share of people groups of Jammu and Kashmir was Muslims. They needed to promotion to Pakistan however accordingly of Hindus Raja's understanding with the Indian rulers, Indian strengths attacked the Kashmir Valley. The people groups of Kashmir began their battle for flexibility. The Indian armed force attempted to pound the wishing of the people groups yet in the wake of meeting with the disappointment in their endeavors, Indian took the Kashmir issue to the United Nations Security Council. The security board implemented a truce. Jawaharlal Nehru, the Indian Prime Minister guaranteed to hold a plebiscite after the foundation of peace. Be that as it may, when India snatched Kashmir, she retreated from on its guarantee for a plebiscite. The two nations have battled three wars(1948,1965 and 1971) up until now yet the privilege of self-assurance of the general population is being overlooked. The Kashmir issue couldn't be settled by the standards of equity up until this point. 

Quaid-e-Azam was a government official of standards. He joined just those states with Pakistan which acquiesced to Pakistan with their choice. The conditions of Bahawalpur, Kharan, and Makran were among the individuals who consented to Pakistan. 

Quaid-e-Azam reported that tribal zones would keep on enjoying the full opportunity and their autonomy and flexibility would be taken care of. The tribal zones were autonomous and free in the British govern as well. At the point when the tribal pioneers, keeping up their autonomy and flexibility, announced their increase to Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam pronounced overcome tribal individuals protector of the northwestern fringes of Pakistan. 

In N.W.F.P (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) Dir, Swat, and Chitral kept up their way of life as an autonomous state even after the foundation of Pakistan. The general population of these zones was hating these offices as the people groups in the West Pakistan were getting a charge out of. In this way, General Yahya Khan abrogated the different status of these states in 1969. These three states were converted to from Malakand Division. It was made a regulatory piece of N.W.F.P (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa).

Basis Of The Ideology Of Pakistan

The Muslims of the Sub-landmass got a different country with the goal that they may give viable shape to the last and supreme specialist of Almighty Allah. The general population may execute the supreme force of Almighty Allah and such a framework may be drilled as was based upon the standards of the Holy Quran and the instructing of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H).
Islam is not simply the arrangement of customs and love, but rather it is a total code of life. It can satisfy every one of the requests of the human life. It can satisfy all the financial, moral and political motivation behind the general public. Islamic framework is in impeccable concordance with present day requests and it's totally functional for each age.
The Ideology of Pakistan depends on the Islamic Ideology. Islamic values, for example, convictions of love, equity, advancement of majority rules system, crew and obligations of the subject are the premise of the belief system of Pakistan. The subtle elements of these qualities as given beneath:

1.Beliefs and Prayers:

The Muslims of the Sub-mainland set up the interest for Pakistan since they needed to lead their lives as per their convictions. They additionally needed to love Allah Almighty with no deterrent. Convictions of Islam incorporates faith in the unity of God (Touheed), the absolution of Prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H), Life from this point forward, Angels and Books uncovered by Almighty Allah. This arrangement of the previously mentioned convictions is called Emaan.
To trust in the unity of Allah and the certainty of Prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is the mainstay of Islam. Unity of God implies that Allah is the maker and the Master of the whole universe.
Nothing is past His energy. The man is the appointee of Allah. In this way, it is mandatory for the Muslims to comply with the summons of Almighty Allah. It is apparent from the convictions of the supreme Authority of Allah, the Man, being His agent has the specialist to the degree of the power given to him be Allah, however the genuine lies with Almighty Allah.

2.Justice and Equality:

While setting up a fair society, the Muslims put an accentuation on equity. It is resolved in Islamic convictions that every individual are to be given equivalent status with no segregation of standing, hues, legal, doctrine, dialect and culture. The foundation of equivalent law legal framework for all living in the state is expected. Islamic framework has laid weight on the height of the equity. In his sermon on his last journey (Khutba-e-Hajj. Tull-Wida), Hazrat Muhammad clarified this reality in the accompanying words:
"O people, all of you have one God and all mankind is the offspring of Adam. An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab, also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has superiority over white."

3.Promotion of Democracy:

Interview and Deliberation are the premises of the Islamic state and society. Majority rule government is advanced in an Islamic State and the privileges of the general population are secured. Each resident appreciates parallel status. People groups drove their lives watching and regarding the law of land. Laws give security to the general population. All are the equivalent according to law. No segregation is permitted on the premise of station, shading, statement of faith or dialect. The arrangement of Government is keeping running for the welfare of the considerable number of people groups.
While tending to at Sibbi on fourteenth of February, 1948, Quaid-e-Azam depicted the motivation behind the accomplishment of Pakistan in taking after words:
"Let us lay the foundation of our democracy on the basis of the truly Islamic principles."

Sunday 12 February 2017

The Ideology of Pakistan and Allama Iqbal


Allama Muhammad Iqbal gave the Muslims a thought of a different state. Through, his verse he stirred the Muslims. Before all else, he was a supporter of Hindu-Muslim Unity, however, the extremism and one-sided state of mind of Hindus constrained him to reconsider that the Muslims ought to request a different nation. 
In his well-known presidential address at Allahabad in 1930, he requested a different state for the Muslims so they may lead their lives as per their religion and culture. He stated:
"The formation of a consolidated North-West Indian Muslim state appears to me to be the final destiny of the Muslims, at least of North-West India. The life of Islam as the cultural force in the living country very largely depends on its centralisation in a specified territory. I, therefore, demand the formation of a consolidated Muslims State in the best interest of India and Islam."
Allama Iqbal affirmed that the Hindus and the Muslims couldn't live respectively in a nation. Consequently, at some point or another, the Muslims wouls prevail with regards to winning their different state. He turned down the possibility that just a single country exists in the Sub-mainland. Tolerating Islam an entire framework, Allam Iqbal said unmistakably:
"India is a continent of human groups belonging to different races, speaking different languages, and professing different religions. It was the prime duty of all civilized nations to show utmost regard and reverence for the religion principles, cultural and social values of other nations." 
Because of Islam, from a Millet and their energy and quality depends just on Islam. In his verse, he exhibited the key idea of the premise of Muslim Millat. 
Try not to assume that your country resembles the countries of the West, the people groups who have confidence in the Prophet (P.B.U.H) have the unmistakable development of the country. The Western people group relies on the regional and racial premise though your (Islamic) people group is reinforced by the compel of the religion. 
He exhorted the Muslims to receive each part of religion and to break the symbols of hues and ideology. 
Break the symbols of hues and statement of faith and assimilate yourself into one country so Turani, Irani, Afghani(Religion status of the Muslims) may lose their reality. 
He considered that every one of the Muslims living in any piece of the world from one Millet. In this manner, he gave the message to the Muslim living from the shore of Nile to the place where there is Kashghar to be joined for the assurance of Haram.

Pakistan Objective Resolution 1949


On March 12, 1949, the Constitutional Assembly adopted a resolution moved by Liaquat Ali Khan, the first Prime Minister of Pakistan. It was called the "Pakistan Objective Resolution ". This resolution occupied the prime importance in the formulation of the constitution. The main points of this resolution are as under:


The sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to Allah Almighty and the authority. He has delegated to the state of Pakistan, though its peoples for being exercised within the limits prescribed Him is a sacred thing.

Islamic Legislation:

The Constitution of Pakistan shall be formulated in the light of Quran and Sunnah and no legislation will be done repugnant to the teaching of Islam.

Islamic Values:

The principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice as enunciated by Islam shall be fully observed.

Islamic Way of Life:

The Muslim shall be enabled to order their lives in the individuals and collective spheres in accordance with the teachings and requirements of Islam as set out in the Quran and Sunnah.

Federal Government:

The territories now include in or in the accession with Pakistan and such other territories as may hereafter be included in or accede to Pakistan shall form a federation wherein the units will autonomous with each boundary and limitations on their power and authority as may be prescribed.

Fundamental Rights:

There shall be guaranteed fundamental rights including equality of status, of opportunity and before the law, social, economic and political justice, and freedom of thoughts expression, beliefs, faith, worship and association, Important subject to law and public morality.

Development of Backward Areas:

Adequate provinces shall be made for the minorities to profess and practice their religion and develop their cultures.

 The importance of Objectives:

The Objectives Resolution occupies a special importance in the Constitutional history of Pakistan. Through this Resolution, it was declared that the establishment of the Islamic Society in the light of Quran and Sunnah was the real purpose of the country so that the purpose of creation of Pakistan was fulfilled. That's why this Resolution is included in all the three constitutions of Pakistan(1956,1962,1973)as a preamble. 

Saturday 11 February 2017

Liaquat Ali Khan's Role as First Prime Minister of Pakistan


  • Liaquat Ali Khan, the first Prime Minister of Pakistan was born at Karnal, a town in East Punjab in 1896. He did his graduation from MAO college, Aligarh and got the degree in Law from Oxford University. He joined the All India Muslim League in 1923. He was elected the general Sectary of All India Muslim League in 1936. He was the most trusted Lieutenant of Quaid-e-Azam till his death. On August 15, 1947, he became the first Prime Minister of Pakistan. He was assassinated on October 16, 1951, while addressing a public meeting at Rawalpindi.
  • To stop the bloodbath of the Muslim in Punjab, Liaquat Ali Khan as the first Prime Minister of Pakistan toured the border areas with Pandit Nehru and appealed to refrain from the hateful activity of human bloodshed.
  • Rhe refugees were pouring into the Punjab in a large number and it was not an easy task to accommodate them. On the direction of Quaid-e-Azam, he as Chairman, Punjab  Muhajir Council, monitored the work of rehabilitation of refugeeing and providing them with necessities of life.
  • He helped and guided Quaid-e-Azam, the nation, and Government setting up an effective administrative system, restoration of economic life, preparation of the budget, Kashmir issue, controlling internal disruption and defense against Indian conspiracies. But the responsibility of implementing the decisions rested with him. 
  • When the nation was demoralised after the death of Quaid-e-Azam and the Indian leadership was always busy in hatching conspiracies against Pakistan, it was he who represented and led the nation. The nation gave him the title of "Quaid-e-Millat" in commemoration of superb leadership skills.
  • In the reign of Liaquat Ali Khan, an enormous struggle was launched for economic growth. The peoples were persuaded to use Pakistani products. Machinery was imported from Japan for the development of textile industry and Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation set up.
  • He got a more objective resolution passed from Assembly in 1949 and constituted a "Basic Principles Committee" to draw the new constitution. 
  • The foreign policy formulated by Liaquat Ali Khan had the fundamental principles of maintaining the brotherly and friendly relations with Islamic countries. He supported the steps taken by Dr. Muhmmad Musaddique, the Prime Minister if Iran, to nationalize the oil. When Shah of Iran paid a state visit to Pakistan, both of the leaders had talked to adopt a joint policy. He condemned the aggression of Western countries against Egypt and supported the freedom movement in Indonesia.
  • After Pakistan was established, Hindus-Muslims riots were a routine in India due to serve enemy of Hindus against the Muslims. Liaquat Ali Khan thought it necessary to solve this problem at the government level. Therefore, in 1950 he visited India in this connection and signed Liaquat-Nehru pact.
  • When the Indian Army concentrated on the borders of Pakistan in the mid of 1951, uncertainty was created in the country. He toured country-wide to raised the morale of the nation and to make the peoples aware of this threat. He raised a first in his speeches which made the peoples aware of this threat.

Quaid-e-Azam Role as First Governor General of Pakistan

    Quaid-e-Azam Role as First Governor General of Pakistan

  1. Quaid-e-Azam worked as a Governor General of Pakistan for 13 Months. He died on 11 September 1948. During this short period, he used his penetrating sight and leadership abilities and resolved important national issues that helped Pakistan stand on its feet.
  2. The loft personality of Quaid-e-Azam solved the problem created after the birth of Pakistan in an excellent way. Congress tried to create any type of problem of Pakistan including an unequal division of assets, the problem of rehabilitation of refugees and inhuman treatment they received from the Hindus and the Sikhs, and noncommunication of administrative record time.
  3. Quaid-e-Azam well-judged the seriousness of the circumstances and made the Karachi the Capital of Pakistan promptly.
  4. Advised Government officials to do their duty with honesty and faithfulness.
  5. He arranged to operate special trains to shift officers from India to Pakistan.
  6. He made an arrangement with an Air Company which made the shifting of Government officials possible.
  7. He constituted a committee under the chairmanship of Chaudry Muhammad Ali to improve the administrative structure.
  8. He launched civil service and made Pakistan Civil Services Academy.
  9. He also started Accounts and Foreign Service.
  10. The General Heasquatter made in order to improve the Armed Forces.
  11. Ordnance factory was also set up in the short period of Quaid-e-Azam Governor-Generalship.
  12. Quaid-e-Azam not only paid much attention to the internal affairs but also left no stone unturned to formulate the foreign policy. He established good relations with neighboring as well as the other major countries which were included in the fundamental objectives of our foreign policy.
  13. Pakistan got the membership of the United Nation. It was due to the statesmanship of Quaid-e-Azam.
  14. After the establishment of Pakistan, our country was facing many challenges.  It was necessary to achieve the suspect in the field of education. Quaid-e-Azam paid special attention toward this issue. He conducted first Educational Conference in 1947. He was of the view that the objectives of education were the moral development of the peoples. He wished that every citizen of Pakistan should serve the nation selflessly. He declared the education of science and technology compulsory for the young students.
  15. Quaid-e-Azam served Pakistan till he breathed his last. Despite his broken health, he would study important files.
  16. Although the incurable and fatal disease of tuberculosis had weakened him physically, yet his determination to serve Pakistan not weakened. He did not let his disease come in the way of his duties. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Quaid-e-Azam served Pakistan at the cost of his life.

Quaid-e-Azam Role in the Making of Pakistan


The personality of Quid-e-Azam changed the fate of the Muslims in South Asia. He compelled the British as well as the Hindus to partition India.

Services Rendered by Quaid-e-Azam:

  1. Under Lucknow pact, Quid-e-Azam united the both of the nations (The Hindus and Muslims) in 1916. He got the right of separate electorates for the Muslims acknowledged and got the little of the Ambassador of Peace.
  2. He along with Hindu leaders, Gokhale demanded new constitutional reforms in1913. Again in 1919, his efforts of the Montagu.-Chelmsford Reforms are of great significance.
  3. In 1919, Sir Sydney Rowlatt got an act passed. It was named as the Rowlatt Act. It was a black law. The administration was given unlimited powers and the civil rights were trodden upon. Quid-e-Azam raised his voice against it. He wrote to the Viceroy Lord Chelmsford, "In my opinion, the government that passes or sanctions such a law in times of peace forfeits its claimed to be called a civilized Government."In Delhi-Muslims proposal in 1927, Quid-e-Azam withdrew the right of a separate electorate and gave an indication to co-operate with the Congress but it could not be fulfilled. 
  4. He rejected the Nehru report in 1928and presented his fourteen points in 1929 which determined the goals of the Muslims.
  5. He participated in the Round Table Conference (1930-31) and maintained the National identity of the Muslims.
  6. He injected a new life into the dead body of Muslim-League in 1935-36and guided the freedom movement.
  7. In 1937 Congress, on account of its majority, formed ministries in 7 out of 11 provinces and tried to inflict injuries to the Muslims socially and politically. Quid-e-Azam used his political foresight and faced these conspiracies gallantly. At last, Congress resigned from ministries. Therefore, on 22nd December 1939, Jinnah put out an appeal, calling for India Muslims, to observe the day as a "Day of Deliverance" and thanksgiving as marks of relief. 
  8. In October 1937, Quid-e-Azam was unanimously accepted as a leader in the Muslim League Session at Lucknow. After it, Quid-e-Azam toured the length and breadth of the country on the emergency basis.
  9. In his address in Minto Park (Now Iqbal Park), in the session of Muslim League, he explained the Two-Nation Theory that became the basis of Pakistan.
  10. From 1940 to 1945, on one side he made many efforts for the reconciliation between the Government and political parties, and on the other side, between the Muslim League and the Congress. Among them, Cripps Mission, Jinnah-Gandhi talks and Shimla Conference are worth mentioning.
  11. It was the fruit of his efforts that the Muslim League met with success in 1945-46 Elections. He made all the conspiracies of the Hindus and British unsuccessful. At last, Lord Mountbatten presented 3rd June, 1947Plan promising to establish Pakistan and Pakistan came into being on 14th August 1947.

3rd June 1947 Plan


Negotiation With Political Leaders: 

After the failure of Lord Wavell, the British Government started its final planning to wind up its power.The British Prime Minister sent Lord Mountbatten to the Sub-continent with clear instructions. Immediately, after his arrival, he met with important leaders and held negotiations with them. He met Nawabs and Rajas of princely states. He realized that no solution other than partition could be found. Now, there was the question of establishing the principles of partition. One after another, the leader of Congress started to think Two-Nation Theory a reality. Lord Mountbatten and Lady Mountbatten had a personal relation with Nehru family. Other leaders of Congress also considered Mountbatten sympathetic and affectionate friend. Considering the partition indispensable, a conspiracy was planned but the Congress in collaboration with Lord Mountbatten to complete the process of partition in such a manner as a truncated, imbalanced and weak Pakistan was made that would be compelled to be a part of India soon. Lord Mountbatten with the help of his staff, started framing the basic principles of partition in order to determine the boundary lines of both of the countries. He assured the leaders of Congress confidentially that the partition process would take place according to their wishes and the condition laid down by them would be preferred. It was the result of the conspiracy that the main leaders of the congress begin to avoid the opposing the petition. Lord Mountbatten took the scheme, prepared secret with Congress, to London for approved by the British Government. 

All Parties Conference:

When Lord Mountbatten came from London, he converted all parties Conference, Quaid-e-Azam, Liaquat Ali Khan, Sardar Abdur Rub Nishter, Pandit Nehru, Sardar Patel, Acharya Kriplalani and Baldev Sing participated in it. Viceroy of India explained the various aspects of the partition plan. Afterward, he held the separate meeting with leaders of each party. On 3rd June 1947, the second session of the conference was conducted. All leaders approved the plan. Despite the promise made with the Muslims had been breached and injustice was done to gain the goodwill of the leaders of the Congress. Quaid-e-Azam accepted the plan unwillingly. The speeches of the representative of both the major parties were broadcasted on Radio.Quaid-e-Azam ended his speech with Pakistan Zinda Baad.

Main Points of 3rd June 1947 Plan:

The government made the design to partition the Sub-continent. Acknowledging the principles stand of the establishment of two states, the Government settled the details and developed the program regarding the future of various provinces and states.

1. The Punjab and Bengal Province:

The Provincials Legislative Assemblies of Punjab and Bengal were to meet in two groups, i-e., Muslims majority districts. The members of the two parts of each Legislative Assembly sitting separately will be empowered to vote whether or not the Province should be partitioned. If any of the two decided in favor of the division of the provinces, then the Governer General would appoint the boundary commission to demarcate the province.

2. The North West Frontier Province:

A referendum would be held in the North-West Frontier province to ascertain whether they wished to join Pakistan or India. The political issues of the Tribal areas would be settled by the Government that is formed after the referendum. The Governer-General would conduct the referendum himself and for this purpose, he would have to co-operation of the Provincial Government.

3. Sindh:

Sindh Assembly would decide the future state of the province through the majority of the vote. It would be decided whether the province wished to join Pakistan or India. The European members of Sindh Assembly would not have the right to vote. 

4. Balochistan:

Balochistan had not been given the status of the province till then. According to plan, the opinion of the Quetta Municipality and Shahi Jirga would be sought. The official members would not be including in voting.

5. District Sylhet:

District of Sylhet in Assam had Muslim Majority population. According to the plan, it was decided to hold the referendum in Sylhet. The referendums would be conducted after the partition of Bengal into two parts. If the majority of the peoples decides to join the East Bengal, they would form a part of Pakistan.

6. Non-Muslim Majority Provinces:

 The whole of Assam excluding the Sylhet would become a part of India. LikewiseBihar, Orissa, U.P, C.P, Bombay and Madras would be included in India.

7. Princely States:

There were the 635 such states in the Sub-continent as were ruled by the Nawabs or Rajas. Some important states include Jammu & Kashmir, Kapurthala, Bikaner, Hyderabad Deccan, Swat, Dir, Patiala, Bahawalpur, and Junagadh. These states were also given the option to decide their future and join the country of their own choice.

Cabinet Mission Plan 1944


In 1945, Labour party came into power in Britain. Noticing the increasing political restlessness in India, the British Prime Minister, Lord Atlee sent a Cabinet Mission to India. This mission had two basic purposes:
The first purpose was to determine the constitutional status of India and the form of the government.
The second purpose was to bridge the gap between the Muslims and the Hindus and try to convince the Muslims to live in the United India. But the General Elections of 19454-46 proved that it was quite impossible. The commission consisted of three Ministers:
  1. Sir. Stafford Cripps
  2. Mr. A.V Alexander
  3. Lord Pethick-Lawrence

Since all the members belonged to British Cabinet, it was called Cabinet Mission.

Talks with Different Political Leaders:

 The members of the Cabinet Mission held talks with different political leaders in the Sub-continent. They exchanged their views with Governers and Chief Ministers. They found the views of the Governer Generals too. Both major parties, Muslim League and Congress, had clear the viewpoints. Muslim League declared that the only solution to the issue was the partition of the Sub-continent and creation of Pakistan. On the other hand, Congress, on the basis of the single nation, strongly opposed any type of partition in the South Asia. It neglected the Two Nation Theory and denied the idea of Pakistan harshly.
A condition of tension prevailed in the talks because while sending the mission to India, The British Prime Minister made a statement in the Parliament that no minority would have the right to exercise the veto power and it will not be allowed to close the path of national development. Congress was much pleased with his statement but Quaid-e-Azam criticized it intensely. Quaid-e-Azam responded that Muslim League is striving for the protection of the rights of the Muslims and it want to resolve the constitutional issues on the basis of Two-Nation Theory. During the Dialogues with the mission, Quaid-e-Azam said: ”The Sub-continent neither a country nor it is the homeland of a single nation. The Muslims was a nation with the separate identity that has all the rights to decide the future of its own.”

Proposal of Cabinet Mission:

The members of the Cabinet Mission met the leader of all the political parties to find their point of views but they could not reach any result. On 16ty May 1946 the members of the Cabinet Mission announced a plan of their own. The silent features of the plan were under as:
Sub-continent, A Union:
The Sub-continent should be a union consisting of any provinces and several states. A federation should be formed. The Union should deal with the subjects of defense, foreign affairs, and communications. The Union should have the powers to raise the finances required for the above subjects. All subjects other than the union subjects shall be the rest with the provinces.
Formation of Provincials Groups:
The Provinces of India were to forms three groups:
Groups A: Hindus majority provinces of Madras, Bombay(Mumbai), U.P, C.P, Bihar, and Orissa.
Groups B: Muslim majority provinces like Punjab, North West Frontier Province (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), Balochistan, and Sindh.
Group C: Bengal and Assam.
It should be a Union of new nature forming Central organization, provincials, Organization and Groups Organization. The power of Union and provinces were explained in the proposal of the Cabinet Mission but so far as the distribution of powers between the provincials and groups organization was concerned, it was said that these will be decided by the Provincials and Groups Organization themselves. The provinces and states will be given seats in the Central Legislature as well as in the Cabinet on the basis of their population. Keeping in view of a proportion of the population, each province will be given representation.

Election of the Central Legislature:

The members of the Provincial assemblies will elect the Central Legislature. The Central Legislature will frame the constitution for the whole of the country. After the Central Cabinet framed, all the three provincial groups will prepare their own constitutions.
Separation from Union:
If one or two provinces from the three groups of provinces decide to separate from the Union, they could do so but after ten years. This point granted the right to the Muslims majority areas of Group B and Group C to make Pakistan after ten years. Thus, the process of the partition will complete automatically.

Jinnah-Gandhi Talks 1944


My heart was asking me to write you a letter. I can meet you when you wish. Don’t think me the enemy of Islam or the Muslims. I am not only the friend or servant of you but of the whole world. Don’t disappoint me.”
In the reply to this letter, Quaid-e-Azam proposed a meeting in Mumbai in the mid of August. However, the meeting started in September. It was decided in the meeting that instead of the verbal discussion, it is better to exchange letters so that the records of the viewpoints of both of the points may be preserved. In y=this very meeting, Gandhi said clearly that he represent nobody but himself. He said that he was not meeting with Quaid-e-Azam as representative of Congress. Quaid-e-Azam objected to it and stress that unless talks are not held between the representative of two nations, he could not hope to reach some positive results.

The talks started from the point of Pakistan resolution based on the Two-Nation Theory. During the talks, Gandhi refused to accept the Two-Nation Theory.

The proposal made by Gandhi:

After having dialogue and corresponding with Quaid-e-Azam, Gandhi said the although he was not supported the Two-Nation Theory, yet if Muslim League wanted to put Lahore resolution into practical form, this issue should be delayed. First, they should receive the freedom from the British collectively. Afterward, Congress and Muslim League may settle the issue of Pakistan mutually.

Reply of Quaid-e-Azam:

Quaid-e-Azam judged that the style adopted by Gandhi is nothing but cheating and hypocrisy and cunningness. He emphasized that the British must settle the issue of Pakistan before the freedom of India because Conge=res and Hindus could not be relied upon.

C.R Formula 1944:

When the British government crushed the “Quit India” movement launched by Gandhi forcefully and put Gandhi behind the parts, his movement died out. Now, Gandhi tried to weaken the Muslim League by trapping Quaid-e-Azam in z conspiracy. Gandhi used Chakravarti Raj Gopal Acharya and asked him to express the opinion about the partition of India. Chakravarti Raj Gopal Acharya was a leader of All India National Congress. He belonged to Madras. He was known to the public as Raja Gee. Chakravarti Raj Gopal Acharya and Gandhi finalized the formula in the March 1944.
This formula is known as “C.R Formula”. In the meantime correspondence between the Quaid-e-Azam and Gandhi, who was in the jail, continued. The formula was sent to the Quaid-e-Azam. Quaid-e-Azam was informed of the details of the formula on 8th April 1944. The main points of this formula were as under:
  1. This formula is the basis of an agreement between the Congress and Muslim League. Gandhi and Quaid-e-Azam will agree on it and they will try to approve it from their respective parties.
  2. At the end of the war, a commission would be appointed to democratize the district having a Muslim population in an absolute majority and in those areas plebiscite would be conducted on basis of all would vote the inhabitants (including the Non-Muslim) where adult.
  3. The league endorsed the Indian demand for the independence and cooperate with the Congress information of Provisional Interim Government for a transitional period.
  4. All parties would be allowed to express their stance on the partition and their views before the plebiscite.
  5. In the event of separation, a mutual agreement would be entered into for safeguarding essential matters such as defense, communication and commerce and for other essential services.
  6. The transfer of population, if any would be absolutely on a voluntary basis.

Friday 10 February 2017

Economic Deprivation of the Muslims in India


When the war of freedom (1857) was over, the Muslims were oppressed very badly. Although the Hindus supported the Muslims in the war, but they declared that the only Muslims were responsible for all their action in the war. Thus they acquitted themselves of any responsibility. The Muslims were the targets of the wrath of the British. So they suffered a lot and faced serious consequences.


The British, dominant by prejudice enmity, dismissed all the Muslims from government jobs especially from the army and shut the doors of the employments to the Muslims. Despite having the required qualification for some jobs, the Muslims were deprived of it. On the other hand, the Hindus were offered jobs even if they have less qualification as compared to the Muslims.

Deprivation of the Muslims properties:

The Muslims deprived of their properties. Their properties were confiscated. Some Muslims landowner were turned out of their lands. Their properties and lands were allotted to the Non-Muslims. The Muslims became tenant cultivators instead of the owner of the land. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan has depicted this miserable condition of the Muslims in the following words:
"No calamity has descended from heaven that had not searched the house of the Muslims before it came down to the earth".

The monopoly of Hindus:

The business of the Muslims was ruined. In the order to get the support of the Hindus, the British gave them special business privileges. The Hindus established the monopoly in local trade. The Muslims trader suffered the economic crisis.

Industrial revolution:

As the result of industrial revolution in Britain, better and cheaper products were manufactured there. These products were imported to India. It resulted in the destruction of cottage industry which belonged to various nations of India including Muslims. The cottage industry collapsed because it would not compete with the modern industry.

The increase in unemployment:

The goods produced in Britain could be imported into India but Indian products were demanded neither in Britain nor in Europe.

Thursday 9 February 2017

Crisis of East Pakistan


  • Surrounded by India from three sides.
  • Three main rivers divide east Pakistan to three isolated regions.
  • Area 143998 square KM.
  • Smaller than all Pakistan provinces.
  • Population 40 Million more than all other provinces combined.

                    Geographical Characteristics

1.Stretigic implications:

  • The 6000 square KM deltaic region along the coast was impregnable to friends and foes alike.
  • These water obstacles split defender into an isolated pocket and gave advancing enemy columns of secure flanks.


  • Only two ports with (IWT) facility i-e Khulna, Chittagong.
  • Most of the movement (military, civil) across the rivers took place on streamers, country boats.
  • Infrastructure was poor, roads were poor.
  • Roads linking east India to Pakistan were settled.


  • The average rainfall of over 2500 mm.
  • Majority military operations could take place only in winter.
  • Hot and humid climate.
  • Catches of full blast of monsoon.

                       India's Role in the crisis:

The government of India maintained throughout the crisis that the entire issue was an internal matter of Pakistan, to be settled through negotiations between the two parties involved the peoples of East Bengal and the government of Pakistan. Even the joint statement issued in October 1971, by Prime Minster Indra Gandhi took that position. 

                            Causes of Alienation    

1.Language issue:  

  • Language riots result in the death of two students who became martyrs, Sheikh Mujeeb then an unknown entity take this issue and became a hero.
  • A major issue which aligned the Bengalis from rest of the country was language, national authorities failed to analyze deep attachment of Bengalis with their mother language.

 2.Culture Difference:

Pakistan was a poly-ethnic country.
Bengalis came from different social stock their dree, diets, social customs different from rest.
Their love for dance and poetry brought them to close Bengali Hindus.
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was conscious about this culture division. He said,"Unity was not flowing from fountain head of a single nationality".

                             The roles of Bengalis

The government of India favored the view that the struggle in the east Bengal was supported be all Bengalis, Hindus and Muslims alike. Much the sane view was held by the national press in general. Of the Muslim press, a significant section held a rather curious view of the struggle, which shall be discussed a little letter. 
In Pakistan, the crisis was viewed, for most of the years, as merely a breakdown of law and order, caused by the Hindus of East Bengal, a minority of the Muslims supporters ofSheikh Mujeeb, and alleged the Indian infiltrators. It was expected that with the help of loyal Bengals and Non-Bengalis Muslims the army would soon have things property under control. Though both the news and victims of Bengalis mob violence reached Pakistan in insufficient numbers, surprisingly low-keys coverage was given to them.
In November 1971, at the time of the Eid-ul-Fitr, the three hundred and fifty odd members of the Bangladesh mission in Calcutta choose to say the Eid prayer themselves, instead of the joining of a local congregation, as a protest against what that they felt to be unsympathetic attitudes of the Indian Muslim. In response to this news, the Jamiat time of Delhi editorialized as follows:
"We wrote earlier, and we do not fear to write again, that whether it be the present tension between the India and Pakistan or the massacre of the bangles and on-Bengalis in the East Pakistan or influx of lakhs of homeless refugees, the responsibility foe everything lies squarely with the leaders of East Pakistan. One man can set a fire in the moment to an entire garden. We curse all traitors, be they in India or in Pakistan. Aman should concern himself with the welfare of the country where he lives, otherwise, he should leave it and go some other place"(3 December 1971).


Wednesday 8 February 2017

General Ayub Khan Era (1958-1969)


On October 7, 1958, President Iskander Mirza abrogated the constitution and declared the martial law in the country. This was the first of many military regimes to mar Pakistan's history. with this step, the constitution of  1956 was abrogated, ministries were dismissed, central and provisional assemblies were dissolved and political activities were banned. General Muhammad Ayub Khan, the then Commender-in-Cheif of the armed forces, became the Martial law administrator. The Parliamentary system in Pakistan came to end. Within the three, weeks assuming charge on October 27, 1958, Iskandar Mirza was ousted by General Ayub Khan who then declared himself President. This was actually welcomed in Pakistan since the nation had experienced a very unstable political climate since independence, General Ayub Khan gave himself the rank of Field Martial corruption had become so widespread within the national and civic system of administration that Ayub Khan was welcomed as a national hero by the peoples. Soon after coming to power, the new military government promised that they would carry out reforms in the entire government structure and would clean the administration of the rampant corruption. A thorough screening process of all government servants was conducted and service record was closely scrutinized. Public servants were tried for misconduct by tribunals consisting of the retired judges of the Supreme Court or High Court. If charges were an approved action such as dismissal or compulsory retirement of the public servants could take place. A public servant could also be disqualified from holding any public officer for 15 years. About 3000 officials were dismissed and many other were reduced in rank as a result of these measures The rest of government servants were provided with an incentive to work hard. Similarly, a law called the Elective Bodies Disqualified Order, properly known as E.B.D.O, was promulgated for the disqualification of the politicians. Under this law, a person could be a disqualified from being a member of any elective body until December 31, 1966. Under this harsh law, several politicians like Suharwardy and Qayyum Khan were disqualified. The E.B.D.O, particularly its application, severely criticized in him legal and political circles throughout
Pakistan After taking over, Ayub Khan focused on the long-standing questions of land reforms in West Pakistan. Ayub Khan also introduced a comprehensive scheme of local government, properly known as basic Democrises. This scheme was enforced through the basic Democrises order on October 27, 1959. Basic Democrises was a pyramidal plan enabling the peoples to directly elect to Local Council man they knew, who could, in turn, elect the upper tier of the administration. Altogether there were 80000 basic Democrises elected. To lend legitimacy to his rule, Ayub Kahn used the basic Democritus's an electoral college, holding a referendum to seek a mandate to continue in offices as President and to have the authority to frame the future constitution of Pakistan.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Constitution of Pakistan 1973


The Constitution is a set of laws/principles may be written or unwritten on which a country is acknowledged to be governed.
The Constitution is the set of law and principles that determine the nature, functions, and limits of the government and other institution.
The 1962 1constitution was abrogated with the resignation of the General Ayub Khan. A new constitution was approved on 14 August 1973 with the overwhelming majority of the office of the then Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.
In Muslims states, particularly Pakistan, laws are derived from the constitution but the constitution is framed according to:

  • Almighty Allah
  • Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H)
  • Holy Quran

The constitution of 1973 is noticeably different from the earlier constitution of 1956 and 1962. Its salient features are:

                    Characteristics of Constitution 1973

Written Constitution:

Written documents, very comprehensively and consists of twelve parts.

Objective resolution:

The principles and provisions set out in the Objectives Resolution have been made substantive part of the constitution with introductory that "Islam shall be state religion".

Islamic System:

The inclusion of Islamic provisions ensures an Islamic system in the country.

Rigid Constitution:

It is not easy to make amendments in it. The two-third majority of both the houses is required for this purpose.

Federal system:

A federal system was introduced with the central and provisional governments.

A form of Governments:

A parliamentary form of government was introduced.

Bicameral Legislature:

The Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliment) consists of two Houses named Senate (63 members) and National Assembly (200 members).

The method of Election:

The members of National Assembly, the provisionals assembly are directly elected by the peoples of Pakistan.

Fundamental Rights:

The 1973 constitution ensure the fundamental rights of the citizen of Pakistan.

Independence of Judiciary:

The constitution of 1973 stresses upon the establishment of independence judiciary. Full job security has been provided.


The 193 constitution has authorized the President to hold the referendum on any national issue. Similarly, the Prime Minister can ask thePresident to hold the referendum on any important national issue.


The 1973 constitution enlisted the main principles of state policy. Maximum efforts were made to improve the character of this constitution. Like other constitution, 1973 constitution also provided principles for the protection, propagation, and enforcement of Islamic Ideology.

Constitution of Pakistan 1962


Constitution of Pakistan is the supreme law of Pakistan.There have been several documents known as the constitution of Pakistan.
General Ayub Khan wanted to introduce a controlled and limited democracy as he believed that Western Style democracy did not suit Pakistan. Therefore, he introduced the constitution of 1962 on  1st March 1962 thereby abrogating the previous constitution of 1956.
The constitution of 1962 was the fundamental law of the Pakistan from June 1962 until martial law was declared in March 1960. On February 1960 Ayub Khan appointed a commission to report on the future political framework for the country. The commission was headed by the former Cheif Justice of Pakistan, Muhammad Shahabbudin, and had ten other members, five each from East Pakistan and West Pakistan, composed of retired judges, lawyers, industrialists, and landlords.
The constitution of the republic was a comprehensive document comprising of 250 section and 3 schedules. It was also written.

                                Features of Constitution

The Islamic Provision:

  • The objective resolution was included in the preamble of the constitution; through which the principles of freedom, equality, tolerance, and social justice as enunciated by Islam, should be fully observed.
  • Teaching was of Islam and Holy Quran was to be made compulsory, unity and observance of Islam moral standards were to be promoted among the Muslims of Pakistan.
  • Proper organization of Zakat, Waqf and Mosques was to be established. 
  • The President was to be a Muslim.
  • No law was repugnant to Islam and was enforceable in courts of law.
  • Islamic research institutes will be organized.
  • Minority rights were fully protected.

The President:

  • Real chief executives and head of states.
  • Should be a Muslim.
  • Not less than 35 years of age.
  • To be elected by 80000 Basic Democratic for 5 years.
  • Could be removed only by the National Assembly by impeachment.
  • Sole responsible for the business of Central Government.
  • Could Summon, prorogue, and Dissolve the Assembly.
  • Master of the cabinet, could appoint and dismiss any member his cabinet.
  • Not bound to accept any proposal but the cabinet is responsible to him.
  • Power to pardon, commute to sentences.
  • Official acts could not be challenged.

The Legislature:

  • The unicameral legislature is known as National Assembly.
  • 156 seats on the basis of parity.
  • 6 women seats, 3 each from both sides.
  • The term of Assembly fixed for five years.
  • Elected by the electoral college of Basis Democrats. 
  • At least two sessions of Assembly in a year.
  • The assembly to choose Speaker and Deputy Speaker.
  • The first hour of the session was to be available for questions.

Federal Structure:

  • Comprised of two provinces, East and West Pakistan.
  • Principles of parity of two provinces.
  • Residuary powers were given to provinces.
  • Federal had priority over provinces list.
  • Governors were strong as was president in Centre.

Judicial System:

  • Independence of Judiciary was guaranteed.
  • Supreme Court: Head by Chief Justice with six judges.
  • Judges could hold the office until the age of 65.
  • Had the power of "Judicial Review" of Exectives actions.
  • Had original as well as appellate jurisdiction.
  • High Court:
  1. Each province had a High Court.
  2. Consisted of Chief Justice and other Judges.
  3. Appointed by the President of Pakistan.

 Fundamental Rights:

  • Originally contained "no bill of rights".
  • The articles of fundamental rights were limited and were not applicable in Tribal Areas and not to the activities covered in 31 previous law, including freedom of speeches.

Other Characteristics:

  • Two National languages Urdu and Bengali with English acceptable in Government affairs.
  • Two Capitals, Islamabad would be a principal seat and Dhaka would be second Capital, the principal seat for Central Legislature.
  • No new taxation without the consent of National Assembly.

Tuesday 31 January 2017

Pakistan Resolution 1940


The session of All India Muslim League was held on 23 March 1940 in Iqbal Park Lahore. Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the president of this session and the number of Muslims were comes on this session from the whole subcontinent. In this session, a leader of Bengal Molvi Fazal ul Haq put forward a resolution named was "Lahore Resolution" and all the leaders and people accepted it by an open heart. Mulsim has decided their goal. For remembering this day, a Minar was built in that park name is "Minar e Pakistan".

Background of this Resolution:

The Leader of the Muslim was in thought after the dispersal of 1857 war that how to gets a separate homeland for the Muslim. Muslim was separate from Hindus but they want to get their own area where they live according to Islam. Many of the Muslim leaders gave the signal of Pakistan in his speeches. Syed Jamal deen Afghani, Moulana Abdul Haleem Sharer, Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar and Khairi brothers were the very dominant leader. 
  1. Allama Iqbal gave the idea of Pakistan in his speech in All India Muslim League conference 1930 as president of this conference.
  2. Chaudry Rehmat Ali gave the title of the new homeland"Pakistan" in 1933.
  3. Sindh Muslim League passed the Resolution for the division of subcontinent.

Quaid-e-Azam speech: 

Quaid e Azam has decided for the separate homeland in his speech on 1940 conference. The points of this conference were:
  1. Muslim is a separate nation and it has their own culture and religion.
  2. The subcontinent is not one country and division of subcontinent is the solution of the  Hindu-Muslim war.
  3. It was fear that Muslim are not saved in the subcontinent.

Basic Points of this Resolution:

The Basic points of this Resolution were:
  1. Except for the division of the subcontinent, another scheme is not accepted.
  2. If the division of subcontinent is done, then Muslim will get equal rights in the Hindu areas.

Reaction to this Resolution:

  1. After accepted this resolution, Hindus have been against the Quaid e Azam. They became laugh on Quaid e Azam. Gandhi and Hindus were against this resolution.
  2. Moulana Shabir Ahmad Usmani, Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi, and Moulana Zafar Ahmad Ansari were all those scholars who support this resolution. 
  3. British press does not give any interest to this resolution.


Monday 30 January 2017

Culture of Pakistan

This image is obtained from Google.

Every nation has its culture. Culture is produced when the peoples of a nation live on a place for a long time. Every nation has the different culture with another nation. Culture is change by passing time. Every area has an influence on the culture of another area.
The meaning of culture is grown up. A person is the major element of culture. When many persons live together they produced the culture.


                                Indus civilization

The area around the Sindh river is called Indus valley. Indus valley is the oldest culture of the world and it is about 5000 years older. It is proud for the peoples of the Pakistan because culture starts from Pakistan. 
In 1922, a researcher found the culture in Larkana. It is the estimated that this is 5000 older city and before 2500 years it was destroyed. Another a researcher also found the culture in Sahiwal. These two cities are away about 650KM from each other. 

             Characteristics of Indus civilization


The culture of the Indus was the city. The researcher found many numbers of market, streets, and colonies in the city. There was the better sanitary system in homes. There were the toilets and kitchens in the home. There was also basement under the buildings so that they save from the winter and summer. There were also windows in every room in every home. It is sure that the civilization of Indus was very successful.

This image is obtained from Google.

2-Dress and Jewelry:

The researcher also found the sign of making cloth.The peoples were known about the clothes making. Many of the sketches were also found on which clothes are wear. Women were also known about the uses of designing dress and jewelry.
It was very common in women to use jewelry. Many of type jewelry were also found which show that the interest of the women. Teeth of an elephant used in making the jewelry.

This image is obtained from Google.


Researchers were also found many toys which were made by soil. The types of the toys were the sketch of the animals and sketch of men. They were also found dolls which were made by hand. 

This image is obtained from Google.


It was very easy to take the decision that the peoples of the Indus valley were done business in trading their thing with other areas. They known about the uses of teen and gold.

This image is obtained from Google.


Fish, cows, elephant, rabbits and other many animals were also found in this valley. Sketches of these animals were also found on the coin, walls, and stumps. 

This image is obtained from Google.


The people of the Indus valley were used fish and rises. The researcher also found many signs of crops which are showing that they were known about the fields. 
This image is obtained from Google.

Language of Pakistan


History of any country is very important because every country established after a great history. Mostly the people have largely neglected the power of history. History helps us to get knowledge about our national heroes who sacrifice their lives and homes for the establishment of their country.
Pakistan comes into being on 14 August 1947 after hard work of all the peoples who wants to get separate homeland where they will be free.

                           Punjabi Language


Punjabi is the very oldest language. It is the language of province Punjab. It relates to the oldest peoples of Punjab province. According to the history, it has three types and every type has the different name are Majhi, Potohari, Chachi and Shah puri. Majhi is the good type of Punjabi language and it is spoken in and around the city Lahore. In the very beginning. it was the Language of both Hindus and Muslims mystic.
The Punjabi Language started after the interference of Mehmood Ghazni. Hazrat Baba Fareed Ganj Shakar was also a very famous mystic in Punjabi. His poetry in Punjabi gives the message of brotherhood and love.  
Hazrat Shah Hussain (Madho Lal Hussain), Sultan Bahu, Bulleh Shah and Khawaja Freed were the famous poet of Punjabi. They also write the poem on social action. 
History and region poems in Punjabi has also definitely exalted. Heer Ranjha, the story of Hasham Shah, Sohni Mahiwal, story of Hafiz and story of Mirza Sahiba were very famous in Punjabi and in these stories, there is high-level poetry. 
Novels were also write in the Punjabi language like Da beer Singh, Meera sing, Sayyeda Bakhsh etc. 
 After the twentieth century, the Punjabi language was also used in dramas and radio. In Punjab University, there was also has the department of Punjabi where students did M.A and Ph.D.

                             Sindhi Language


Sidhi is the old language of Pakistan. It relates to the "Arya family". It is spoken in and around the Sindh river and 1 Million peoples speak it. The Sindhi language is the mixture of Turki, Greece, Iran language. It is also the mixture of Arabic and Persian. The English language also included in it. Sindhi is written like to the Arabic. 
The first time the translation of Quran was in Sindhi. The famous poets of Sindhi were Shah Abdul Lateef Bhtai, Sachal Sarmast etc. the poetry of Shah Abdul Lateef Bhtai consist of manpower. Abu al Haasan was also a very famous in Sindhi. He works very hard for Sindhi. He was a great scholar and he wrote 150 books on Islamic topics.      

Difficulties After Establishment of Pakistan

History of any country is very important because every country established after a great history. Mostly the people have largely neglected the power of history. History helps us to get knowledge about our national heroes who sacrifice of any things for the establishment of their country.
Pakistan comes into being on 14 August 1947 after hard work of all the peoples who wants to get separate homeland where they will be free. It is very difficult to stand the new country and handled its difficulties. Quaid E Azam handled all these difficulties.


The Injustice of Red-Cliff award:

It was decided according to 3 June 1947 act that Punjab and Bengal are dividing according to the number of Muslims and non-Muslim. Where the number of Muslim are greater then a number of non-Muslim, is the under the government of Pakistan. For this division, Red-Cliff award was selected. Sir Red Cliff is under the pressure of Hindus and he gave all the Muslim areas to the Hindus. The sectary of Red Cliff also accepted this injustice.

Arrangement Difficulties:

It was very difficult task to handled the arrangement difficulties because all the officer went to the India. Offices were empty. Many offices started their work under the open sky. While going to the India, they disturb all the arrangement of offices.

Division of   Rupees:

After the division of subcontinent, it was very important to the division of rupee with the justice. India wants to take the share of Muslim. India wants to destroy the Pakistan, therefore they stop the Pakistan share.There was the total amount 4 billion rupee from which Pakistan has share 750 million rupees. India gave only one installment of 200 million rupees. After the struggle of the Muslim leader, India gave 500 million rupees and stoped the remaining amount.

Division of Army:

After the division of subcontinent, it was also a problem to divide the army according to the number of Muslim and Hindus with justice but they do not work with justice. India wants to make weak Pakistan so that they attack Pakistan latter. Before the division, the army chief of subcontinent do not want to divide the army but Muslim League rejected him. All the factories of making guns were goes to the India and they give only 60 million rupees Pakistan. After that, every soldier has right to go India or Pakistan with his own thought. It was clear that Muslim are going to Pakistan.

Sunday 29 January 2017

1945-46 Election

History of any country is very important because every country established after a great history.Mostly the people have largely neglected the power of history. History helps us to get knowledge about our national heroes who sacrifice of any things for the establishment of their country.
Pakistan comes into being on 14 August 1947. People who gave sacrifices for their dear homeland are Allama Iqbal, Quaid-e-Azam, Liaquat Ali Khan, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan etc.


                                    1945-46 Election:

It is very important to held election in the subcontinent. After the second world war and failure of Shimla conference, it is very easy to take a decision that which one political party is famous in public. Hindu press said that Quaid E Azam is only responsible for Shimla conference. For checking that Quaid E Azam was correct or incorrect, it was the only occasion that what is the opinion of the public. The government of British was also under pressurized from America that they search the solution of problems. It was decided from the government that in December 1945 and January 1946, the election will be held. It is decided that all the parties participate in Election.

Congress Opinion:  

It was the thoughts of congress that division of subcontinent will be according to their thoughts. Any scheme of the division will not be acceptable. 

Muslim League Opinion: 

Muslim League enters in the election by saying that it is the only movement for Muslims of the subcontinent. Muslims have not contact with another movement in the subcontinent. Muslim League wanted that division of subcontinent will be according to the number of Muslim. 

Election Campaign:

All the parties campaign in the election. Congress is against to the Muslim. On the other side, it was the issue of the Muslim rights so that all the leaders visit the whole subcontinent. Quaid-e-Azam also visits the subcontinent in his illness inform the Muslim about the need of time. Quaid -e-Azam challenged openly to the Congress that it is the only successful party in the election. Muslim students were also with Quaid -e-Azam. They worked very hard for their separate homeland.  

The result of Election:

There was thirty member of Muslim League in the election. All the member won this election with high leads. Now, any power cannot stop of making a new homeland for the Muslim.