Tuesday 7 February 2017

Constitution of Pakistan 1973


The Constitution is a set of laws/principles may be written or unwritten on which a country is acknowledged to be governed.
The Constitution is the set of law and principles that determine the nature, functions, and limits of the government and other institution.
The 1962 1constitution was abrogated with the resignation of the General Ayub Khan. A new constitution was approved on 14 August 1973 with the overwhelming majority of the office of the then Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.
In Muslims states, particularly Pakistan, laws are derived from the constitution but the constitution is framed according to:

  • Almighty Allah
  • Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H)
  • Holy Quran

The constitution of 1973 is noticeably different from the earlier constitution of 1956 and 1962. Its salient features are:

                    Characteristics of Constitution 1973

Written Constitution:

Written documents, very comprehensively and consists of twelve parts.

Objective resolution:

The principles and provisions set out in the Objectives Resolution have been made substantive part of the constitution with introductory that "Islam shall be state religion".

Islamic System:

The inclusion of Islamic provisions ensures an Islamic system in the country.

Rigid Constitution:

It is not easy to make amendments in it. The two-third majority of both the houses is required for this purpose.

Federal system:

A federal system was introduced with the central and provisional governments.

A form of Governments:

A parliamentary form of government was introduced.

Bicameral Legislature:

The Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliment) consists of two Houses named Senate (63 members) and National Assembly (200 members).

The method of Election:

The members of National Assembly, the provisionals assembly are directly elected by the peoples of Pakistan.

Fundamental Rights:

The 1973 constitution ensure the fundamental rights of the citizen of Pakistan.

Independence of Judiciary:

The constitution of 1973 stresses upon the establishment of independence judiciary. Full job security has been provided.


The 193 constitution has authorized the President to hold the referendum on any national issue. Similarly, the Prime Minister can ask thePresident to hold the referendum on any important national issue.


The 1973 constitution enlisted the main principles of state policy. Maximum efforts were made to improve the character of this constitution. Like other constitution, 1973 constitution also provided principles for the protection, propagation, and enforcement of Islamic Ideology.

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