Saturday 11 February 2017

3rd June 1947 Plan


Negotiation With Political Leaders: 

After the failure of Lord Wavell, the British Government started its final planning to wind up its power.The British Prime Minister sent Lord Mountbatten to the Sub-continent with clear instructions. Immediately, after his arrival, he met with important leaders and held negotiations with them. He met Nawabs and Rajas of princely states. He realized that no solution other than partition could be found. Now, there was the question of establishing the principles of partition. One after another, the leader of Congress started to think Two-Nation Theory a reality. Lord Mountbatten and Lady Mountbatten had a personal relation with Nehru family. Other leaders of Congress also considered Mountbatten sympathetic and affectionate friend. Considering the partition indispensable, a conspiracy was planned but the Congress in collaboration with Lord Mountbatten to complete the process of partition in such a manner as a truncated, imbalanced and weak Pakistan was made that would be compelled to be a part of India soon. Lord Mountbatten with the help of his staff, started framing the basic principles of partition in order to determine the boundary lines of both of the countries. He assured the leaders of Congress confidentially that the partition process would take place according to their wishes and the condition laid down by them would be preferred. It was the result of the conspiracy that the main leaders of the congress begin to avoid the opposing the petition. Lord Mountbatten took the scheme, prepared secret with Congress, to London for approved by the British Government. 

All Parties Conference:

When Lord Mountbatten came from London, he converted all parties Conference, Quaid-e-Azam, Liaquat Ali Khan, Sardar Abdur Rub Nishter, Pandit Nehru, Sardar Patel, Acharya Kriplalani and Baldev Sing participated in it. Viceroy of India explained the various aspects of the partition plan. Afterward, he held the separate meeting with leaders of each party. On 3rd June 1947, the second session of the conference was conducted. All leaders approved the plan. Despite the promise made with the Muslims had been breached and injustice was done to gain the goodwill of the leaders of the Congress. Quaid-e-Azam accepted the plan unwillingly. The speeches of the representative of both the major parties were broadcasted on Radio.Quaid-e-Azam ended his speech with Pakistan Zinda Baad.

Main Points of 3rd June 1947 Plan:

The government made the design to partition the Sub-continent. Acknowledging the principles stand of the establishment of two states, the Government settled the details and developed the program regarding the future of various provinces and states.

1. The Punjab and Bengal Province:

The Provincials Legislative Assemblies of Punjab and Bengal were to meet in two groups, i-e., Muslims majority districts. The members of the two parts of each Legislative Assembly sitting separately will be empowered to vote whether or not the Province should be partitioned. If any of the two decided in favor of the division of the provinces, then the Governer General would appoint the boundary commission to demarcate the province.

2. The North West Frontier Province:

A referendum would be held in the North-West Frontier province to ascertain whether they wished to join Pakistan or India. The political issues of the Tribal areas would be settled by the Government that is formed after the referendum. The Governer-General would conduct the referendum himself and for this purpose, he would have to co-operation of the Provincial Government.

3. Sindh:

Sindh Assembly would decide the future state of the province through the majority of the vote. It would be decided whether the province wished to join Pakistan or India. The European members of Sindh Assembly would not have the right to vote. 

4. Balochistan:

Balochistan had not been given the status of the province till then. According to plan, the opinion of the Quetta Municipality and Shahi Jirga would be sought. The official members would not be including in voting.

5. District Sylhet:

District of Sylhet in Assam had Muslim Majority population. According to the plan, it was decided to hold the referendum in Sylhet. The referendums would be conducted after the partition of Bengal into two parts. If the majority of the peoples decides to join the East Bengal, they would form a part of Pakistan.

6. Non-Muslim Majority Provinces:

 The whole of Assam excluding the Sylhet would become a part of India. LikewiseBihar, Orissa, U.P, C.P, Bombay and Madras would be included in India.

7. Princely States:

There were the 635 such states in the Sub-continent as were ruled by the Nawabs or Rajas. Some important states include Jammu & Kashmir, Kapurthala, Bikaner, Hyderabad Deccan, Swat, Dir, Patiala, Bahawalpur, and Junagadh. These states were also given the option to decide their future and join the country of their own choice.

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