Saturday 11 February 2017

Jinnah-Gandhi Talks 1944


My heart was asking me to write you a letter. I can meet you when you wish. Don’t think me the enemy of Islam or the Muslims. I am not only the friend or servant of you but of the whole world. Don’t disappoint me.”
In the reply to this letter, Quaid-e-Azam proposed a meeting in Mumbai in the mid of August. However, the meeting started in September. It was decided in the meeting that instead of the verbal discussion, it is better to exchange letters so that the records of the viewpoints of both of the points may be preserved. In y=this very meeting, Gandhi said clearly that he represent nobody but himself. He said that he was not meeting with Quaid-e-Azam as representative of Congress. Quaid-e-Azam objected to it and stress that unless talks are not held between the representative of two nations, he could not hope to reach some positive results.

The talks started from the point of Pakistan resolution based on the Two-Nation Theory. During the talks, Gandhi refused to accept the Two-Nation Theory.

The proposal made by Gandhi:

After having dialogue and corresponding with Quaid-e-Azam, Gandhi said the although he was not supported the Two-Nation Theory, yet if Muslim League wanted to put Lahore resolution into practical form, this issue should be delayed. First, they should receive the freedom from the British collectively. Afterward, Congress and Muslim League may settle the issue of Pakistan mutually.

Reply of Quaid-e-Azam:

Quaid-e-Azam judged that the style adopted by Gandhi is nothing but cheating and hypocrisy and cunningness. He emphasized that the British must settle the issue of Pakistan before the freedom of India because Conge=res and Hindus could not be relied upon.

C.R Formula 1944:

When the British government crushed the “Quit India” movement launched by Gandhi forcefully and put Gandhi behind the parts, his movement died out. Now, Gandhi tried to weaken the Muslim League by trapping Quaid-e-Azam in z conspiracy. Gandhi used Chakravarti Raj Gopal Acharya and asked him to express the opinion about the partition of India. Chakravarti Raj Gopal Acharya was a leader of All India National Congress. He belonged to Madras. He was known to the public as Raja Gee. Chakravarti Raj Gopal Acharya and Gandhi finalized the formula in the March 1944.
This formula is known as “C.R Formula”. In the meantime correspondence between the Quaid-e-Azam and Gandhi, who was in the jail, continued. The formula was sent to the Quaid-e-Azam. Quaid-e-Azam was informed of the details of the formula on 8th April 1944. The main points of this formula were as under:
  1. This formula is the basis of an agreement between the Congress and Muslim League. Gandhi and Quaid-e-Azam will agree on it and they will try to approve it from their respective parties.
  2. At the end of the war, a commission would be appointed to democratize the district having a Muslim population in an absolute majority and in those areas plebiscite would be conducted on basis of all would vote the inhabitants (including the Non-Muslim) where adult.
  3. The league endorsed the Indian demand for the independence and cooperate with the Congress information of Provisional Interim Government for a transitional period.
  4. All parties would be allowed to express their stance on the partition and their views before the plebiscite.
  5. In the event of separation, a mutual agreement would be entered into for safeguarding essential matters such as defense, communication and commerce and for other essential services.
  6. The transfer of population, if any would be absolutely on a voluntary basis.

1 comment:

  1. The writer evidently has difficulty expressing himself in English. It is not possible for this reason to make sense of what is written here.
    K. Hussan Zia.
